Computer Graphics
2Marks1. Define computer graphics animation?
Computer graphics animation is the use of computer graphics equipment where the graphics output presentation dynamically changes in real time. This is often also called real time animation.
2. What is tweening?
It is the process, which is applicable to animation objects defined by a sequence of points, and that change shape from frame to frame.
3. Define frame?
One of the shape photographs that a film or video is made of is known as frame.
4. What is key frame?
One of the shape photographs that a film or video is made of the shape of an object is known initially and for a small no of other frames called keyframe
5. What is pseudo animation?
Pseudo animation is creating a sequence of stills, photographing or video graphing each still as one frame, and then later playing back the frames at a faster speed.
6. What is the normal speed of a visual animation?
Visual animation requires a playback of at least 25 frames per second.
7. What are the different tricks used in computer graphics animation?
a. Color look Up Table manipulation
b. Bit plane manipulation
c. Use of UDCS
d. Special drawing modes
e. Sprites
f. Bit blitting
8. What is color look up table?
In color display unit it is necessary to read 44-bit for each pixel from buffer. This very time consuming process. To avoid this video controller uses look up table to store many entries of pixel vales in RGB format. This look up table is
commonly known as color look up table.
9. What is solid modeling?
The construction of 3 dimensional objects for graphics display is often referred to as solid modeling.
10. What is an intuitive interface?
The intuitive interface is one, which simulates the way a person would perform a corresponding operation on real object rather than have menu command.
11. What is Sprite?
A Sprite is graphics shape in animation and games programs. Each sprite
provided in the system has its own memory area similar to but smaller than pixel
12. What is the UDC technique?
UDC stands for User Defined Character set. It is graphics animation trick,
which is used in early microcomputer system.
13. What is the use of hidden line removing algorithm?
The hidden line removal algorithm determines the lines, edges, surfaces or
volumes that are visible or invisible to an observer located at a specific point in space.
14. What is computer graphics realism?
The creation of realistic picture in computer graphics is known as realism.
It is important in fields such as simulation, design, entertainments, advertising,
research, education, command, and control.
15. How realistic pictures are created in computer graphics?
To create a realistic picture, it must be process the scene or picture through
viewing-coordinate transformations and projection that transform three-dimensional
viewing coordinates onto two-dimensional device coordinates.
16. What is Fractals?
A Fractal is an object whose shape is irregular at all scales. 15
17. What is a Fractal Dimension?
Fractal has infinite detail and fractal dimension. A fractal imbedded in ndimensional space could have any fractional dimension between 0 and n. The Fractal
Dimension D= LogN / Log S
Where N is the No of Pieces and S is the Scaling Factor.
18. What is random fractal?
The patterns in the random fractals are no longer perfect and the random
defects at all scale.
19. What is geometric fractal?
A geometric fractal is a fractal that repeats self-similar patterns over all
20. What is Koch curve?
The Koch curve can be drawn by dividing line into 4 equal segments with
scaling factor 1/3. and middle 2 segments are so adjusted that they form adjustment
sides of an equilateral triangle.
21. What is turtle graphics program?
The turtle program is a Robert that can move in 2 dimensions and it has a
pencil for drawing. The turtle is defined by the following parameters.
g. Position of the turtle (x, y)
h. Heading of the turtle 0 the angle from the x axis.
22. What is graftals?
Graftals are applicable to represent realistic rendering plants and trees. A
tree is represented by a String of symbols 0, 1, [, ]
23. What is a Particle system?
A particle system is a method for modeling natural objects, or other
irregularly shaped objects, that exhibit “fluid-like” properties. Particle systems are
suitable for realistic rendering of fuzzy objects, smoke, sea and grass.
24. Give some examples for computer graphics standards?
i. CORE – The Core graphics standard
j. GKS — The Graphics Kernel system
k. PHIGS – The Programmers Hierarchical Interactive Graphics System.
l. GSX – The Graphics system extension
m. NAPLPS – The North American presentation level protocol syntax.